I was having this conversation with my 2 guy colleagues tis afternoon before we call it a day at work. I tod it was pretty interesting and wanted to share it here wif whoevers that read tis blog (even thou i noe there isn't anyone reading.) Anyway it all started after i came bk to ofc after a smk brk wif Bro K.
H: Wah sibeh sian...
Me: Y? its just abt time to knock off man. N its long weekend!
H: Coz going shopping ltr.
Me: Thats fun! buying new clothes... i like shopping.
H: But its my gf who wans to shop.
Me: I noe wat you mean...
So in the end we concluded that all the gers are the same when it comes to shopping.
Senario 1 by H
GF said she just wana get a top. So H will be more than happy to go shopping wif her. I mean how long can it take to just buy ONE top rite? GF found a top that she likes on the 1st lvl of the shopping mall they went. GF likes the top but doesn't wana buy, coz wana see more 1st. Combing thru the whole mall from lvl 1 to 4, entering almost every single shop that sells gers top. GF decided to buy the 1st top she likes at lvl 1. But GF doesn't wana go straight bk to the shop. Tinking that she mite missed out someting just now, she decided to comb the whole mall once again from lvl 4 to 1. Finally bought the 1st top tt she sees.
Senario 2 by H
GF holding 2 tops in her hand asking BF which is nicer. BF picks the red one. GF tinks that the purple one looks more glam. BF says to buy the purple one den. GF tinks the red one is cute. BF says get the red one den. GF says both are nice, duno which one to buy. BF says buy both. GF says its dumb to hv 2 tops of the same design.
Senario 3 by Me
GF likes a top at MNG. GF ask me if its nice. I agreed. Unfortunately, der isn't a new piece for her size. GF wans to go to the other branch to chk. This time round theres a small hole on the new piece. GF gives up n said its ok, dun wana buy anymore. Few days ltr, GF is still hunting for the same dress. Practically combing thru the whole sg's MNG, just to find that top. finally she gets it. Mind you... tis hunting can go on for weeks sometimes.
Senario 4 by Me
GF picks these 2 dresses. asking me which is nice. I point at the right one. She gives you THAT look and said "Nice meh? i tink the left one like nicer." Maybe our opinions are just not needed at all.
Senario 5 by Me
GF says she need a new wardrobe. Coz there's no more space to hang her clothes. The next moment GF will say " Tink i need more clothes. I got no more clothes to wear."
Senario 6 by D
GF can't decide which pair of shoes to wear when its oredi late for work. Choose a pair for GF, but she wil nv agree wif it. Totally late for work, and wif no choice he has to sms the boss to cook up a story saying "Sorry Boss, il be late. Coz i lao sai."
Sernario 7 by H
GF was oredi dressed up when he wakes up to go to work. Feeling v relieve after seeing GF totally prepared so early. 15 mins ltr when he stepped out of the bathroom, he sees gf in another set of clothes, so he asked "How come you change again?" GF reply "coz i tink the previous clothes dun suit me tdy." Seeing that its going to be late, BF says "ok loh den lets go off oredi." GF still staring at the clothes in the wardrobe and said "But i tink wat i wear now isn't nice." BF assured GF that its very nice. GF not convince, thus change her clothes again. As the time is running late, the BF has to go pick the car up 1st n wait for GF right outside the lobby lift.
Senario 8 by Me
GF sms "There's a sale at WAREHOUSE! Lets go ok?" Que up just to go in to the super duper packed boutique. And after much squeezing wif the crazy gers in there, GF decided not to buy anything. "Let's go to the one at Vivo, they got lesser ppl der." -_-
The 3 of us agreed that all our GFs have got at least a few of these problems that are listed above when it comes to shopping. So we concluded what the gers really wan is US to tell them that the clothes they like is the one that you tink its nice too. Do NOT go against their idea if not the shopping hrs will PROLONG! So you have to 1st know your GF well enuff b4 you can noe which is the clothes that she oredi has in mind. And in order to do that, you just have to pay more attention to them. So ultimately the GUYS are noble. We do so much just to please the gers when they shop, while torturing ourselves. And what can i say, coz I love my ger...
H says that he prefer to go shopping wif his GF at Vivo rather than Orchard. Coz they've got all the brands the gers wana buy there. So ders no need to walk under the hot sun from wisma to ck tang to taka to paragon n so on. Ok i have to agree on that. Darling, lets go Vivo next time if you really wana shop...
Anyways Lucas had his baby shower at Cicada on Sunday. It was quite a nice place. Haven got time to do up the pictures. Will post them up soon when i find the time. Btw we caught What happens in Vegas just nw, n its awesome! Do catch it!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
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Big to you thanks for the help in this question. I did not know it.
I have not understood, what you mean?
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