Friday, May 09, 2008

A long break for my breaking bones

This has been a rather fruitful week. And i guess i've been able to wake up every day before the clock strikes 12pm. Met up wif D and K for coffee around my house this afternoon. We went to this Dog Boutique without bringing any pets along, and at that point of time, we were the only customers in the cafe. Well, who would be that free on a thursday afternoon. It feels really good to sit around on a weekday afternoon, noeing the fact that everybody else are slogging their lifes in the office.

I guess i would hv gain some kg during this one week break. Ive been buying lotsa snacks from the supermarket. Bought alot of biscuits from Marks and Spencer on monday when i was out wif my sis in law on monday and we shopped our life at the Marketplace after that. And yesterday me and my gf went to Carrefour for another SUPA rendevous! I love pushing the trolley all around, and filling it up wif lotsa junk.

Was out with Mum on Tuesday to get the present for Baby Lucas's 1st month. We will be holding his baby shower at The Cicada this coming Sunday. My brother has booked the entire place on this special day for his 1st son. How lucky can this boy get! Luckily my brother and i share the same idea that its not a good idea to hold it at HOME! thats like so yesterday! Oh yah, was toking abt getting Lucas present. So i got him a gold bangle from Poh Heng, since they are the only place that sells the disney series. Mum got him a gold necklace and a rat pendant. Though it cost me quite a bomb, but i guess it all worth. I mean he's my 1st nephew and most probably i wun b able to hv any kids myself?! (coz my gf kinda hate it when the kids grow up) So i gotta treat him like my own rite?


Gotta wake up early tmr for my Mac Gridders Breakfast! Haha! My sis in law has been having craving to eat that since the day before she give birth to Lucas. So she has tahan for a month and finally she is able to eat it! We gonna have our hair wash after brkfast tmr at those old school hair salon. Only such salon will be able to give great massage for our head. Sis in law hasn't wash her hair for a month due to confinement and she has been really obedient! haha!

Thiking of where to eat out is a real headache. So THIS has become my best fren. Am thinking of where to eat for tmr dinner. See, im not that kinda last minute person. I like everything to be well plan beforehand, especially DINNER. Feeding me wif the wrong food during dinner will spoil my day for the entire nite. Guess thats why we are not so advanturous in trying out new food at new places. My gf wans to have nice Macha tmr... I wonder where i can find it together wif nice food... Erm how about Ma Maison (The Central) baby? The hunt continues....

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