Sunday, March 25, 2007

Phantom of the Opera

We finally watched Phantom of the Opera yest! Look at the tix.. Our seat! it's 2nd row from the stage..hahaa i have to admit it's too near.... till i can see the nostril of the actors/actress. The musical yest was magnificent! it's worth my 13 yrs of waiting. My fav are Meg Giry and the Phantom (Brad Little).. haha cos Meg Girly ( Nadia Komazec) is so much prettier den Christine...haa actually i prefer the Christine played by Sarah Brightman... U will noe wat i mean if u heard Sarah Brightman's.

My gf asked me a Qn which i really duno how to ans.. She asked " the phantom only appear lk a few scene why he got the most applaud?" I reckon is bcos he's the phantom? Phantom of the opera? the lead? hahaha... My gf is so cute!
Oh I've to comment that the orchestra was awesome! I'm v impressed by Vanessa Scammell, the conductor... It reminds me of my dream to become a conductor when i was sec 4, cos my newly hired band conductor Mr Lim is such a loser! haa She did a great job. The musical wouldnt be a success w/o a such an outstanding orchastra. After curtain down we went forward to watch the orchastra play. I reckon they were happy to see so many pple went forward cheer and applaud for them. Well some kuku will not realise the existence of the orchastra as they were playing understand the stage.

I like Masquerade and angel of music most! Wat say u?

The black book is the program guide.. i bought it for a freaking 25bucks!

Look how elated i was.. posing in front of the Phantom of the Opera Poster after the musical.

My gf getting prepare for the musical.... oh we were at Pan Pac hotel celebarting our 3yr 8mths tog! Love u baby!

I am all prepared.... esplanade here we come!

Had Waruku after watching the musical.

Last sat we finally went to P.S Cafe at Dempsey Road... Thanz to Babe who brought us there... The food was fantastic! and indeed there r alot of ang mo there...It's not a place that we can afford to go everyday.. haa our dinner cost us abt $80+.

* Baby thanz for making my dream come true....

* Thanz for looking after me when i am sick

* Thanz for goin out to buy med for me in the middle of the nite

+ Anywhere you go let me go too....+

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