Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Princess Bdae

Wow, it has been more than a mth sinz laz entry on fourteeninetyone. I wouldn't say that we are too bz to update, coz we do have the time. We're just plain lazy. I subscribed to mobtv to watch those local serial that i'll miss due to my work hectic schedule. So i've been watching those drama online recently. I tink the price is rather reasonable. But if you had nv fancy local drama, den drop the idea.

We have been doing our cny shopping these 2 weeks. Bought lots of clothes and mainly from CKtang, thanks to all the vouchers that i've been earning. It just nv seem that it'll be finish no matter hw i spend. Brought new yr clothes for my gf from Mango and Zara. And im sure she's quite happy with her new clothes. Ha!

Updates for the princess' bdae at Marina Mandarin

Oh yeah, that lounge singer was awesome. Her voice is damn power. For those who like to chill out, i would strongly reccomend Marina Mandarin lobby lounge. A glass of white wine accompanied by a love one listening to the awesome vocal wif a great pianist... wat more can u ask for...?

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