Sunday, December 18, 2005

5 Days more to Christmas!

Wow wow.. time files.. 5more days to xmas! Yeah~ This xmas i got a really big present from my gf.. A Louis Vuitton Trouville bag!! haha i am soo happy~~! I got her a Nokia N70 and a A/X purple color shirt.. on top of dat i Gonna get her a white jacket and jeans too... She's gonna be a happy boy on xmas day too! haaa Ok this post is gonna be quite long.. with lotsa of pic dat i took during the week....

baby's N70

My LV bag!


Sun 18th Dec
Went to look for darren and Evon at far east sq to sell our stuff at the flea market..haaa darling managed to sell one of her lil soft toy... not bad huh?(pic will be up soon)

Sat 17th and Fri 16th Dec
Fri me and Yve were on a mission(lead by kel)... haaa!! I wont disclose wat our job was abt.. It was really fun and the best thing is we got paid. haa Poor kel and her colleage had to wait for us patiently to every shop we drop by... i must say kel is 1 of the best boss ard... haa where got Boss keep asking the employee if they r tired or not... if we wanna rest...and buy drinks for us one?!! haaa we din get scolding even if we tk the longest time to finish 1 shop. Yup by the time we completed all the shops it's abt 7plus already... Darling and Rion already knocked off. So Kel drove us down to town to continue shopping. We had pepper lunch for dinner! Yumm Yumm~ I really had a great time working wif Yve.. haa she is juz so fun to be wif tog wif Kel.

The bestest pal/secret lover...haaa! Kel and Darling

The 4 of us finally reunite! haa it has been a long time since we last went out tog... miss those days man....

Me, Kel & Yve ( spot the similarity b/w us? We r the mini eyes gang! haa..)The 3 best pal...Darling, Kel and Yve. ( y kel alwiz dun wanna open her eyes? y y y ?! haaa)

The sweet palz... posing 4 pic over dinner..

Yve: " ah!... bev gonna kiss me, dun come dun come" haaaa!!
Baby & Rion

Sat we went suntec to get darling's xmas present.. i gonna get her nokia N70. But the tragic thing is suntec got no stock! & most of the shops r outta stock too.. Darling was so upset & disappointed... thank God cine branch got 1 last set of N70 left. So we rush down to get it... Good bye 6600

Guess this new fone really can make my lil baby smile.. look how happy she's
After getting the hp.. we walked down to taka LV to get my bag..! Yippy~ My 1st LV bag... thanz so much my love.. u alwiz get me wat i wan.... i am really so touched! Darling u r the best! *muackz*

Look how happy i am? haa i am more den happy i tell ya.. i am elated!!!

I bought a A/X shirt for her..

Went to hereen after dat to hunt for darling's white jacket and jeans.It was already 9pm.. and we still haven finished shopping. By then we were v tired so we took a brk at spinelli... Guess who we saw? Mel,Chaos,Zac and Molly! haa so qiao can.... Haa went to their table to chat abit.. haa but most of the time darling was talking to zac.. haa btw zac is the 1 who send back all ,my parcel from aust... haa she's my parcel saviour! haaa!!

Supposed to tk pic wif mel.. but she went to toilet.. So here we r... Chaos, me and Zac

We met Yve and rion for dinner.. and took some pic of the xmas deco... Finally we have a chance to hear Rion sing. He really got a nice voice, sound so much lk Zhang Xin zhe lor! Haha Yve and Darling sing well too! Expect 4 me! I am tone deaf and I duno how 2 read traditional Chinese character.. poutz..

Me & sweetz

We trying to act cute.. haaa the fact is we r really kawaii rite? haaa!!

The best budz.. darling and Yve

The 4 of us! (only rion's hand is long enuff to this pic man)


* the sweetest *
* the dearest *
* the happiest *


*you are the love of my love*

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