Friday, November 25, 2005

Just dye my sis hair... so i am taking a break.. came online to blog.. haha well hope the color turns out well. Anyway yest was our anniversay!! Went to have dinner at swenson.... So qiao saw Kel, Joe and Charmaine... haaa

Our Dinner...

*Us*Some silly pic we took during dinner haaa....!

This is Me and Ai Ping..we went out tog wif pei fang.., their fren and her lil baby in the noon

This is the notti lil baby... haa she so attitude... But she's so pink.. so cute!


i meet u wif my cousin for shopping! Dat rich kid actually wanna buy a $595 shoe at far east.. i nearly fainted... ok he insisted the shoe was imported frm japan so it's worth the price.. but why the hell a 18yr old boy need such a expensive shoe? Haa but i have to admit the shoe is really cool. U wont see anyone on the street wearing it man. Oh ya i got my sis to cut her hair too! haa trying to make her look better.But apparently she still looks the same. Arghzz... haa after shopping wif my cousin & sis.. Darling came to town to meet me tog wif darren and evon. Darling'scompany got free tixs for the movie Prime at lido. Dinner at amk.. and dat end our day...

My cousin & me

Darling thanz for everything... *hugz u tight tight nv gonna let u go*

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