Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Ok i haven been blogging for quite sometime... haa i have just finished reading Confession of a shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. It was gift frm my darling last valentine.. & it's the 2nd time i am reading it.. haaa i can totally relate myself to Rebecca Bloomwood... haaaaa infact i see myself in her... I can nv be discipline when it comes to money.Sigh I feel lk su anne... i am cursed... Money will just be gone once it's on my hand.... So last week i finally save 40 bucks... and i begged my gf to let me ret her the $. I noe the $ will be gone in no time if i dun ret it to her.

Ok wat i actually wanna blog today is abt this book called tuesday with morrie.... Everyone should read it. It's a great book... the best i ever read... trust me you wont regret it. It's by Mitch Albom. Mitch's book is kinda easy to read.. not wordy... great for pple who hate books. It's a true story abt Mitch and his professor. Mitch promised to visit his professor after he grad... but due to his bz schedule.. he forgotton abt his professor till one day he saw his professor on tv.. he was dying... Mitch began his lesson wif morrie every tue.. it was not a lesson taught in sch.. it was lesson abt life...

I teared everytime i read the book.. this is the 3rd time i am reading it.. I am really moved by it. It reminds me of Jenny Cherry. My critical thinking teacher when i was in Adelaide... I rem when she sent me off at the airport... she told me dat i will forget her once i ret to spore...I promised her dat i wont forget her....Till today... i didnt even send her a email..Reason is i lost her email add. I asked Audrey to look for her in Adelaide.. but Leigh said dat she had already ret to Wales.... How the hell am i gonna get her?... I wish i am some celebrity dat can appear on Super Sunday to look for Jenny.

Darling if i got a chance to write a book.. i will write a book call... hmm "Everyday with Jaz" Wont it be so sweet? it simply reminds me of the diary you wrote to me...

Anyway i found out abt the Hong Kong trip... It's abt $600, 6days 5nitez by valueair... isnt it a great deal? Guess $1000 is not enuff actually.. this is depressing... i gonna save really hard. Ok i decided maybe i should buy 4D? haaa or toto...!!! i shouldnt get too excited abt it... Darling is rite i alwiz plan to buy so many things...and i got no $ to buy them now!... Gosh i really got to go on Frugality!

Hmm wait a min..i shall leave frugality aside 1st...Darling's bday is coming let me enjoy 1st ya? haaaa I have a few plan in mind.. i just couldnt decide which one... and her present! Oh my god.. i got to get it done real soon.. hmmm *thinking* if i settle for KL... den all the surprises dat i planned have to be cancelled... Wat should i do?.....

Anyway i did this while i am planning for darling's bday...haa got this from someone's blog...It's pretty lame.. haa

10 random things about me:
1) I love pink alot!
2) I alwiz think my gf is cool but i just refuse to admit it infront of her
3) I love to read
4) I'm in love wif Maggie Q and Paris Hilton
5) I'm in debt
6) I left $6 in my bank
7) I burp alot
8) I can cook, wash and iron clothes! ha!
9) I am actually Mrs Teo... Jaz Teo's housewifey haaaa
10) I eat hell alot!

9 places I've visited:
1) Australia
2) New Zealand
3) New York
4) Canada
5) Thailand
6) Japan
7) Hong Kong
8) Bintan ( Not the furthest place i've been, but it's definitely the best)
9) Sentosa!!! haaaa

8 things I want to do before I die:
1) Have sex wif my gf
2) To have 10 million dollar
3) Travel in a space ship
4) To have my own movie
5) Meet Paris Hilton/Maggie Q (erm it wud be better if i can kiss them too haa)
6) Pack all my belonging in a box & give it to my gf
7) Travel ard the whole world
8) See alien/UFO

7 ways to win my heart:
1) She must be called Jaz Teo
2) She has to make a CD for me
3) She must like Stephen Chow( or rather look lk Stephen chow)
4) She has to kiss me when i have a bad hair day.. and on my pimple plantation face
5) She must laff at my lamest joke
6) She must be able to spot and pluck my spoilt and rotten hair
7) She must have a split personality call Jennifer
Oh one more.. she must do lotsa of action when she's singing... haaa

6 things that annoys you:
1) Bad hair day
2) When darling kick my butt
3) Eddy
4) When there isnt the clothes i wanna buy
5) When i am broke
6) Bobby(my neigbour's dog) he simply cant stop peeing outside my hse! and worse he chased the postman away... Great.. i will not have any reg letters anymore.

5 things I'm afraid of:
1) Butterfly( dat include moth and dragonfly)
2) Ghost
3) Insects
4) No Moolah
5) Exam

4 of my favorite things in my bedroom:
1) The pinboard dat darling made for me
2) My beddy
3) My dog dog & the rest
4) My clothes

3 things I do everyday:
1) Read
2) Msg my darling
3) Missing my notti gf

2 things I want to do right now:
1) See my gf
2) Ask my dad abt the KL and HK trip

1 person I want to see right now:
1) My GF!!!!!

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