Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Little something for you...

Here's a little note thank you note for my sweetest gf

Darling i noe i seldom thanz you on those little things dat u've done for me... They r not forgotten ya? i rem them all...

Thank you for letting me have the seat on the bus...
Thank you for opening the door for me..
Thank you for the lunch,dinner and supper
Thank you for the movie and manicure
Thank for keeping my messy hair neat and tidy
Thank you for the time u spend talking to me on the phone everynight
Thank you for calling me when u r working( esp in your office toilet)
Thank you for the sweet sms u send every morning
Thank you for rushing off to meet me after work
Thank you for goin out wif me after a long day at work on a wed nite
Thank you for going shopping wif me (noe u hate it most)
Thank you for doing the things i like wif me
Thank you for waiting for me when i am late
Thank you for liking the things i like
Thank you for the spongebob song u composed
Thank you for tolerating my nonsense
Thank you for being patient
Thank you for giving in to me when i have mood swing
Thank you for cheering me up when i am down
Thank you for making me laugh
Thank you for hopping with me
Thank you for making everything possible...
Thank you for making this r/s a wonderful one......

I'm blessed cos i got u...

I love u

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