Monday, March 07, 2005

Be Inspired

Have u ever come across any music that will touch your heart and make feel so inspired? haa well i am very much in love with the new Mercs Ad... Strangely... it doesnt make me wanna buy a mercs at all haaa it inspired me to fulfil my dream.. to perform.., as a cellist or a personal shopper? haaa ( like wat i read in the shopaholic book) It makes me wonder... if dream can ever be fulfiled... or it's simply juz a dream dat we dream about. Daddy wanna be a comic writer... haaa he nv fulfil his dream... mummy wanna be a fashion designer ( she's really gd at it i swear.. saw her work b4 haa) she din fulfil her dream either. Guess she's pretty much satisfied with her current job as a hsewife.. haaaaaaaaa well as for Edy... i duno wat the hell this ger wans in life. Let me decide for her... edy u will be a CEO of some cleaning service. haaa!!!!! hmmm as for darling she alwiz wanted to be a movie director! haaaa i reckon she'll be satisfied even as a Mediacorp director/producer. (hmm this reminds me of hao mei li! haaa on the 9pm show haa!) Hugz darling i will support u de!

Jo msg me yest saying dat she went to see this weird fortune teller... hmmm well i cant advice her much abt wat the fortune teller said abt her bf. For my opinion ( haa this phrase is often overly used by financial planner to avoid dispute) i reckon you shouldnt quarrel wif your bf cos of the fortune teller ya? he's very nice to u Jo.. hee i noe u be reading this cos i juz told u abt my blog. Anyway.. i noe ur mummy misses me! haaaa tell her i will be visiting her soon when i get my agent code. haaa

Hmm went ktv wif darling on sat.. i realised my knowledge of chinese songs r soooo limited... they r stuck at the year 1997 haaaaaaaaa din really listen to chinese song after sec 2. I couldnt sing chinese song cos i cant read chinese! haaaaaa pathetic rite? Ermm and i am tonedeaf as well... haaa Anyway darling taught me this song by fish leung..... noe it's not easy teaching ku ni le. heee nonetheless i had fun! I am sure darling is very proud of me!! Weeee.....
Was doing her present juz now... *another surprise* Need to go ikea to get the rest of the stuff to complete the present.

Today is darling's mummy birthday! Happy birthday to mummy! haaaa Bevie sings: Happy bday to u.. happy bday to u happy bday to darling's mummy... happy bday to you! Yeah!!! *pop*

*i am addicted to wu ke qun song song!*

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